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Christian Living

The case for a 'daily huddle' for Christians

Could this be our way of daily 'meeting together in the temple courts' (Acts 2:46)?

Since April I've been working for a client for 3 days a week. When much of my consulting work has been solo and remote for the last 18 months, it's been wonderful to be part of a team.

The team is distrbuted across different states and most people work from home most days. Every morning at 9.15am we meet on Zoom. The meeting usually includes 3 agenda items:

  • 1 minute of fun - often a quiz, or Wordle or a trending video.
  • Top 3 - our priorities for the day.
  • Collab - anything anyone needs help with.

The meeting last for 15 minutes and then everyone gets on with their day. It's not a long meeting but it does a few things:

  1. It reminds us that we are a team, even if we may not be working in the same location or the same projects.
  2. It is a dedicated time to give and receive support.

Could this be beneficial for Christians? Could this be our way of daily 'meeting together in the temple courts' (Acts 2:46)?

I get that in most cases it's impossible to meet together, in person, daily. But is 15 minutes on Zoom an achievable goal?

In the new cultural moment we are experiencing in the West, community will be more important than ever. Sporadic church attendance and 'when I don't have anything else on' small group involvement won't cut it.

I increasingly feel this need for myself and my family. Do you feel it too?